Our History

The Beginnings of True Vine International

True Vine International is the realization of a vision granted to Rev (Dr.) Nicholas Obiero Oloo, affectionately known as Pastor Nick. It all began in 1993 at a prayer camp in the countryside town of Dalarna, Sweden. The spirit of God communicated this vision through a dream to Pastor Nick during his time at the camp. The same dream recurred, albeit in a slightly different form, when Pastor Nick served as a leader in a foreign student fellowship in college and as a deacon in a local church.

In the dream, Pastor Nick saw Jesus in a white robe beckoning him to step into the water in front of him—a waterfall in the dream. Though perplexed, he followed the call and woke up. Seeking understanding, Pastor Nick consulted Pastor Koshy, his local Pastor, who explained that it symbolized Jesus calling him to the ministry; water being a sign of ministry.

Two years later, in 1994, in Nairobi, Kenya, God bestowed the name “True Vine Ministries.” Pastor Nick then moved to India, spent time in Chandigarh, and initiated a small prayer meeting and outreach group. A year later, in Jagadhri, Haryana State, the ministry officially launched in 1997. Pastor Nick actively engaged in evangelism in Haryana and Andhra Pradesh States, traveling extensively in North India. In 1998, he established a weekly Bible study in Jagadhri.

Simultaneously, Pastor Nick planted a church in Jagadhri with the assistance of a local Pastor. He pastored the church for two years before returning to Kenya in 2000. The church in Jagadhri thrived, handed over to a local Pastor upon Pastor Nick’s departure. Pastor Pankaj Masih, one of Pastor Nick’s assistants, later planted a church in Sangrur, Punjab state, continuing the ministry’s growth. Unfortunately, Pastor Pankaj passed away in September 2022, and his widow, Pastor Sonia, carries on the work.

Since Pastor Nick’s departure from India in 2000, the late Pastor Pankaj and his family have sustained True Vine International’s vision in India, where the ministry’s roots lie. Pastor Pankaj, a graduate of Doon Bible College in Dehra Doon, played a significant role in Punjab, consistently managing ministry affairs with dedication. His passing has left a void, and the fellowship deeply misses him.

Pastor Nick persisted in pursuing the TVI vision. In 2011, two years after relocating to the United States, he planted Truevine Family Worship Center in Smyrna, Delaware, officially launching on September 27, 2011. In 2013, Pentecostal Church of God (PCG) inducted Truevine Family Worship Center as an affiliate member church and later ordained Pastor Nick, making TVI an official branch of the North West Pentecostal Church of God.

The ministry in Smyrna, Delaware, ran for about 10 years until 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic forced the closure of many churches. While running in Delaware, the ministry grew steadily, reaching around 30 members with regular Sunday visitors.

In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, Pastor Nick relocated to the Seattle area with his family, leading to the transition to online church fellowship. This marked the beginning of a highly successful online ministry, where TVI continues to meet virtually, attracting members from around the world. Representations hail from the USA, UK, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, India, Latvia, Jamaica, South Korea, and more.

TVI is a ministry expressing love for God and Jesus Christ. It also serves as an offering of gratitude and thanksgiving for victories over the years. While still a work in progress, the ministry is expanding, finding new momentum, and propelling towards greater heights.